If you signed up for Card Ladder PRO previously and you sign in to a different device or login in the future after time off and you're met with a payment screen this article can help.
99% of the time this occurs because you logged in with a different method than you did when you setup your PRO account.
For example if you logged in with your Apple login when setting up your PRO account then you try to login with an email/password on the web later it will not work. You must login with the same method.
If you are properly logged into your PRO account on the web go to the account page and it will show you what method for which you are logged in just like below.
Forgot Password
If you sign in with your email and a unique Card Ladder password, but have forgotten your password, you can reset your password using the forgot password page.
If you log in using your Apple ID or Google (Gmail) credentials, you will not receive a password. If you have forgotten your password to your Apple or Google account, you must go to the Apple or Google sign-in page on their websites to reset your password.