Cards will be verified that, in our opinion, enhance the database.
For cards that are not currently in Card Ladder’s verified database, you can create your own card profile and add it to your "Collection" portfolio. We provide you the tools to generate your own card's value —which can be enlightening, fun, and help you keep a close watch on your card's value fluctuations from day to day. Please bear in mind that when a card is in your "Collection" portfolio, but not displayed in our verified database, we will not track incoming sales data or construct its all-time sales history.
Generally speaking, there is a specific order in which cards get verified by our Research Team. Players who have larger collector bases are given priority. For any given player, the first cards verified generally are the player's: (1) Iconic base rookie card in the most desired grades (as well as raw in some instances), (2) Iconic parallel to the base rookie card in the most desired grades (if applicable), and (3) Rookie Patch Auto in (relatively) frequently transacted grades (if applicable).
For players with larger fanbases, we next add copies of their rookie card in other grades, additional RCs, and relevant non-RCs.
You might see a seemingly "random" card in our database. These are test cases. We are constantly seeking to understand the outer boundary of cards that are broadly relevant and merit real-time tracking.
Finally, note that we verify cards in a specific order for good reason. At a minimum, we want to capture the general trend of a player's market. If the iconic rookie card of a player is trending up (or down), there is a reasonable likelihood that cards from other sets might follow suit, and might even outpace the iconic rookie card, even if those cards aren't in our database yet.
Any sale that you see in Sales History with a green check has been verified by our Research Team. The sale will have a link to the corresponding Ladder card for further research and information.